Unique properties - Ganga
April 24 , 2019
2144 days
- Union Water Resources Ministry commissioned a study to find unique properties of Ganga.
- The Nagpur based NEERI team assessed the water quality in the Bhagirathi and the Ganga at 20 sampling stations.
- It was done on “radiological, microbiological and biological” parameters.
- Ganga had three times more bacteriophages than bacterial isolates.
- Bacteriophages are a kind of virus that kill bacteria.
- They are typically harmless not only to the host organism but also to other beneficial bacteria.
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI)
- It was set up in 1958 with a major focus on water supply, sewage disposal, communicable diseases.
- NEERI is a pioneer laboratory in the field of environmental science and engineering.
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