RBI Governor Urjit Patel was appointed to the Financial Stability Institute Advisory Board of the Bank of International Settlement (BIS)
The Bank of International Settlement is a global financial organisation owned by major central banks from across the world and its headquarter is in Basel, Switzerland.
Jaime Caruana, General Manager of the BIS, will be Chairman of the new FSI Advisory Board
The Financial Stability Institute (FSI) of the BIS assists financial sector authorities worldwide in strengthening their financial systems.
The FSI was jointly created in 1998 by the BIS and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and it seeks to promote cross- sectoral and cross-border supervisory contacts and cooperation.
The members of the board will include Urjit Patel along with William Dudley, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, central bank governors in Brazil, South Africa, Japan and other top bankers from across the world.