Veteran photographer K. Jayaram
July 4 , 2023
616 days
- Acclaimed nature photographer K. Jayaram, who is regarded as a pioneer in macro photography in India passes away recently.
- He won his first prize in a photography competition in 1963, a plastic cased Agfa Click-III.
- He won the International Salon of Photography’s gold and silver medals at Los Angeles in 1970.
- Jayaram became an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society, UK (ARPS) in 1978.
- He was awarded the distinction of Excellence from the International Federation of Photographic Art, Europe (EFIAP) in 1983
- It is followed by Master Honour EFIAP in 1986.
- He co-authored Some South Indian Butterflies and another book on Silent Valley.
- The frog Raorchestes jayarami and the spider Myrmarachne jayaramani are named after him.
- ‘Insects to Infinity’ is a documentary on Jayaram and his works.

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