The Tamil Nadu government listed various welfare schemes being implemented by the Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department.
The Annal Ambedkar Business Champions Scheme is ensuring the very economic development of entrepreneurs belonging to the SC/ST.
A total of 1,303 beneficiaries have received subsidies worth ₹159.76 crore under the initiative.
The Iyothee Thass Pandithar Habitation Development Scheme is implemented to improve amenities such as roads and street lights, and provide drinking water to Adi Dravidar habitations in urban and rural areas.
A total of 1,966 projects had been taken up under the scheme in 2024-25.
Under the Tholkudi scheme, infrastructure would be improved in tribal habitations at a cost of ₹1,000 crore.
A total of 3,594 houses would be constructed for tribal people.
The Department is setting up of knowledge centres for Adi Dravidar and Tribal students in 120 places at a cost of ₹117.27 crore.
It constructed 60 hostels at a cost of ₹300 crore and additional classrooms in Adi Dravidar Welfare Schools.
It is also offering incentives to students pursuing higher education abroad.