World AIDS Day - December 01
December 2 , 2020
1561 days
- It aims to raise public awareness about Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
- It is a pandemic disease caused due to infection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which affects the human immune system.
- The day also provides an opportunity for people to unite in fight against HIV and to show support for those living with HIV.
- World AIDS Day was first observed in 1988.
- The theme for the 2020 observance is “Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Resilience and Impact”.
Program for AIDS
- The government is implementing National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) as a 100% Central Sector Scheme for prevention and control of AIDS.
- NACP responses to HIV epidemic comprise a comprehensive 3-pronged strategy of prevention, testing and treatment.
- The Government has also developed a 7-year National Strategic Plan from 2017 to 2024.

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