World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) 2023 - September 10
September 11 , 2023
546 days
- This day was established in 2003 by the International Association for Suicide Prevention in conjunction with the WHO.
- The day is dedicated to educate and aware people about the measures to prevent the suicides.
- The theme of 2023 is "Creating Hope Through Action".
- More than 700,000 suicides are registered worldwide every year.
- A total of 1.64 lakh suicides were registered in India in 2021.
- They show a significant increase of 6.1 cases per one lakh population compared to the 2020 figures.
- The suicide rate in India in 2021 was recorded at 12 per one lakh population as against the rate of 11.3 per one lakh population in 2020.

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