TNPSC Thervupettagam

World Toilet Day

November 20 , 2017 2589 days 1310 0
  • World Toilet Day is an official United Nations international observance day celebrated on 19th November to raise awareness of the global sanitation crisis.
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), launched in 2015, include a target to ensure everyone has access to a safely-managed household toilet by 2030. This makes sanitation central to eradicating extreme poverty.
  • World Toilet Day is coordinated by UN-Water in collaboration with governments and partners.
  • The theme of World Toilet Day is “Wastewater”
India- Sanitation
  • According to UNICEF's recent survey, India is the country with most number of people deprived of access to toilet and sanitation facilities, while China is second in the list.
  • According to World Bank report, 60 Crore Indians defecate in open space due to lack of toilet facilities.
  • According to UNICEF report, 1000 children die every day because of lack of toilet facilities. And 1 in 6 girl child discontinue their school education due to absence of toilet facilities at schools.
World Toilet Organization
  • The World Toilet Organizationwas established on   November 19, 2001 to address toilet and sanitation issues.
  • World Toilet Organization has its headquarters in Singapore. The organisation was founded by Jack Sim On 19 November 2001.
  • The organisation is aimed at creating awareness about toilets and providing plans to construct modern toilets in various countries.
  • This year the World Toilet Summit will commence a day after the path breaking UN World Toilet Day on 19th of November in Melbourne, Australia.

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