World Wetlands Day – February 02
February 4 , 2020
1860 days
- World Wetlands Day is celebrated on February 2 each year to mark the Day the Convention on Wetlands was adopted in the Iranian City of Ramsar in 1971.
- India is a party to the Convention since 1982 and committed to the Ramsar approach of wise use of wetlands.
- The theme for 2020 is ‘Wetlands and Biodiversity’.
- Wetlands are ecosystems saturated with water, either seasonally or permanently.
- They include mangroves, marshes, rivers, lakes, deltas, floodplains and flooded forests, rice-fields, and even coral reefs.
- Ramsar Convention on Wetlands releases Global Wetland Outlook.
- India has 37 Ramsar sites now, covering an area of 1.07 million ha.

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